The sense of order and patience shown by the hundreds of thousands turned into refugees by the tsunami has created abroad a profound respect and admiration for the Japanese people. It helps of course in the crowded circumstances of emergency accommodation that Japan is a crime-free society in daily life (though big crime there is […]
Author Archive Unique Japan Tours
Sakura Time Approaching
It’s getting closer and closer to the cherry blossom season in Japan. Not forgetting about last weeks horrific tsunami and constant reminder of the thousands of people who have lost their lives, it is up to us to keep reminding the world how beautiful a country Japan is and how dignified and elegant the Japanese […]
Official Travel News Update
Read more on what the official tourist organisation is saying from Japan: Press Release from JNTO: World Health Organisation “not advising general restrictions on travel to Japan” read more.
Thinking of canceling your trip to Japan because of earthquake?
Although we realise people are concerned about traveling to Japan, we strongly recommend waiting a few more days until things have calmed down in the media and until Japanese Government and experts get the Fukushima Daiichi power plant under control. Already they have made huge progress. Remember, every hour is only one hour away from […]
Tohoku Earthquake Appeal
Here at Unique Japan Tours we are devastated by the recent earthquake, subsequent tsunami, and now nuclear power plant problems the Japanese are experiencing. We are doing our best to accommodate all of our passengers and thankfully, none of our staff, family, friends, or customers have been directly affected by any of these hugely unpredictable […]