Koyasan (Mt. Koya) is one of the holiest mountains in all of Japan, home to more than 100 temples and monasteries. Shingon Buddhism was founded in Koyasan, one of the major schools of Japanese Buddhism, with over ten million members and 4,000 temples nationwide. There has been a religious community here since its finding in 816 by the monk Kukai after his return from two years’ study in China. Koyasan is a peaceful and beautiful wooded area, great for walking in any season and of course for quiet contemplation. Temple stays or shukubo are especially celebrated by vegetarians: the range and intricacy of their shojin ryori, traditional monks’ cuisine made without any animal products, is sure to impress the most carnivorous of foodies. (Freeze-dried tofu is said to have been invented here by accident one particularly cold mountain winter!)
Join our Hidden Treasures of Japan tour to experience an overnight stay in a temple at Mt Koya! Or, get Lost in Japan, for a self-guided adventure through some of Japan’s best hidden secrets!
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